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Notice of AGM 2017

Dear isirv Colleagues,

Further to my email of 22 August: 

This is an update regarding The 2017 Annual General Meeting to be held at ESWI Riga 

This will take place at:

18:00 local time on Monday, 11 September 2017

in the Alpha Room of the ESWI Conference at

The Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija, Riga, Latvia 

In addition, you are cordially invited to attend immediately following the AGM: 

Reception for all AGM attendees to network - refreshments provided in the Beta Gallery

If you are unable to attend please complete the Proxy Form here

If you are attending ESWI please make every effort to attend this AGM. It is a great opportunity for many members to join together in the governance of our Society.

I look forward to seeing you in Riga

Best wishes
Dr Caroline Seddon
Strategy Development & Governance Manager, isirv