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International Respiratory Syncytial Virus Society (iRSVs)

Call for Nominations: President of the iRSVs - to find out more click here.


In 2017, the International Respiratory Syncytial Virus Society (iRSVs) became a special interest group of isirv to develop mutual scientific interests and benefit from the organisational structures and support provided by isirv. 


The iRSVs has evolved from a series of global symposia that was initiated in 1996. The Symposium is now run biennially and has become a global independent group of approximately 500 RSV professionals with members from all continents working on all research fronts.


The mission will be achieved by organising global iRSVs symposia and by providing authoritative, independent and impartial advice to those sharing our mission and goals (including governmental and non-governmental bodies, funders and industry). 

Strategic Objectives

The iRSVs’s goal is to ensure a succession of Symposia/Events (eg webinars) to share scientific information and accelerate the development of strategies to reduce the impact of RSV infection.


As the field of research into respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has undergone rapid growth, meetings have evolved and enlarged in response to perceived needs and developments.

The scope of the signature Symposium is deliberately broad, covering all aspects of basic and applied research into RSV and the diseases it causes. Meetings have typically been held every 2-3 years, with efforts to vary the geographical location.


Membership of iRSVs is open to all members of isirv. Members can join the iRSVs via the members' area of the isirv website.

The ISC (International Steering Committee) includes past/future meeting organisers, Chanock award recipients and others nominated by the committee. It comprises between 12 and 20 members selected to represent the diversity of the membership.

The ISC elect the Chair and President and will appoint replacement members of the ISC to maintain diversity and to cover the full scope of the membership and field.

Awards and honours

The Chanock Award is presented at each symposium to an individual or group recognised by the ISC for making significant contributions to the RSV field. The award can only be given to an individual once. The nominee or nominees are expected to give a keynote presentation in person at the symposium where the award is presented.

The José Antonio Melero Early Career Investigator Award recognises an individual who has already demonstrated substantial contributions to the RSV field, commensurate with their experience, and significant potential for future leadership in the field. This prestigious award will include travel to the International RSV symposium, accommodation, and the honour of giving the opening talk of the symposium. 

RSV Symposia

As the field of research into respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has undergone rapid growth, meetings have evolved and enlarged in response to perceived needs and developments. The iRSVs Symposium series has been running for over 20 years and the full list is:

1st iRSVs Symposium – RSV 1996
9-12 November
Kiawah Island Resort, SC, USA

2nd iRSVs Symposium – RSV 1999
8-11 November
Florida, USA

3rd iRSVs Symposium – RSV 2001
1-3 October
Segovia, Spain

4th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2003
8-11 November
The Evergreen Conference Resort, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA 

5th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2005
15-18 September
Oxford, UK

6th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2007
25-28 October
Marco Island, Florida, USA

7th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2010
2-5 December
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

8th iRSVs Symposium RSV 2012
27-30 September
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

9th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2014
9-13 November
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

10th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2016
28 September-1 October
Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina 

11th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2018
31 October - 4 November
Asheville, NC, USA

12th iRSVs Symposium - RSV 2022
29 September – 2 October
Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

Future activities

The 13th International Symposium will be held on 12-15 March 2025 (RSV 2025)
Location: Iguazu Falls, Brazil 

This is the global conference for RSV researchers in academia, governmental and non-governmental agencies and industry, hosting scientists, students, non-profits, regulators, sponsors and industry.

Further details can be found here: