Call for expressions of interest in hosting either OPTIONS XIV (2028) or OPTIONS XV (2030)
Deadline for submission of expressions of interest (EoI): 30 April 2025
Since their inception in 1985, the Options conferences have become the premier events for sharing scientific progress in influenza research. The continuity of this meeting series has lain with ISIRV since our launch in 2005.
The Scientific Meetings Committee of ISIRV has determined that as Options XI was held in Belfast, UK (2022), Options XII held in Brisbane, Australia (2024), and Options XIII will be held in the USA in 2026, the preferred host regions for 2028 and 2030 are AFR, SEAR and EMR. The exact dates and period of the year are flexible and will be decided together with the selected host.
Might you and your institution (or a group of you) be interested in hosting Options XIV or Options XV?
Options conferences typically attract over 1,200 participants from across the globe, featuring parallel tracks of scientific sessions over 4 days. There are a number of associated events (including a Mini-School of Respiratory Viruses) organized by ISIRV in the preceding days.
As host, you would take responsibility for the main 4-day scientific programme and, in conjunction with the ISIRV Scientific Meetings Committee, set up a Scientific Advisory Committee and a Local Organizing Committee to lead in preparing the conference programme as well as overseeing local organization.
ISIRV will appoint a professional conference organiser (PCO), as for recent Options conferences, to work with and support the Scientific Advisory Committee and a Local Organizing Committee to ensure the events are run to a high standard.
At this stage, we are seeking simple expressions of interest in hosting Options XIV and XV. Once we know who might be interested, there will be a more detailed process to compare the relative costs and advantages of potential sites.
If you wish to express interest in either hosting Options XIV (2028) or Options XV (2030), please compete the EoI form.
Exclusions: EoIs can only be accepted from individuals affiliated with academic or medical institutions.
Please send your form to
CLOSING DATE: 30 April 2025