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Senior Research Scientist, WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza at The Peter Doherty Institute

Annette Fox
Annette Fox is an immunologist who obtained her PhD at The University of Melbourne then did Post Grad training in public health at Monash University.
She has worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in Melbourne since 2018. Since 2016, her research has focused on how successive exposure to variant influenza viruses affects vaccine immunogenicity and effectiveness. Annette’s research team have expertise in immunology, virology, molecular biology and bioinformatics.
They have established a series of community and hospital-based cohorts and techniques such as high throughput serology, virus reverse engineering, B cell receptor sequencing, and recombinant mAb generation to dissect virus reactive B cell and antibody responses. The Fox group has been using similar tools to understand immune responses to COVID-19 vaccination and infection. Annette has worked in diverse settings including The Gambia, West Africa and Viet Nam, and has a large network of collaborators across Australia, Europe, USA and Asia. She engages in many areas of respiratory virus research spanning basic research through clinical research and epidemiology.