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Nusrat Homaira, medically trained paediatric respiratory epidemiologist | Senior Lecturer with the Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, UNSW Sydney and Respiratory Scientist at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Australia.

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Dr Nusrat Homaira MBBS, MPH, PhD (she/her)

Dr Homaira is a medically trained paediatric respiratory epidemiologist with almost two decades of working experience in prevention and control of respiratory infections of childhood in low, middle- and high-income settings . She currently work as an Associate Professor, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health at UNSW, Sydney and a Respiratory Scientist at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick.  Dr Nusrat has been involved in multiple seminal studies estimating global burden of acute respiratory infections children which were critical for driving  prevention initiatives. She has been heavily engaged in advocacy and policy discussions around equitable access to immunisations against respiratory infections of childhood including RSV, influenza and pneumococcal disease. Dr Homaira has published more than 100 scientific papers in high impact journals including Lancet series, BMJ and Thorax. Her research has attracted 10 million AUD in grant funding. Currently she is leading multiple translational research projects in priority populations.