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Nusrat Homaira, medically trained paediatric respiratory epidemiologist | Senior Lecturer with the Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, UNSW Sydney and Respiratory Scientist at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Australia.

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Dr Nusrat Homaira MBBS, MPH, PhD (she/her)

Dr Homaira is a medically trained paediatric respiratory epidemiologist and currently works as a Senior Lecturer with the Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, UNSW Sydney and Respiratory Scientist at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. She has 15 years of working experience in prevention and control of respiratory diseases, specially respiratory infections of childhood, in both high and low income settings. Her research has provided population-based data on burden of severe RSV disease in children of Bangladesh and Australia which have been contributed to estimating global burden of disease. She has extensive expertise in wide range of research methodologies from outbreak investigation, designing and establishing surveillance, application and analysis of record-linked administrative health data ("big data"); to the design and conduct of randomised controlled trials, clinical surveys, diagnostic studies and longitudinal studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Her current work centres around understanding and modifying the intersection between early childhood respiratory infections and chronic respiratory conditions in high-risk populations through epidemiological and health system research. She has published >80 articles in high impact journals including Lancet, Lancet Global Health, Thorax, JID, CID and PloS Medicine, presented in >35 national and international meetings/conferences and is frequently approached by industries and media as an expert in the field.