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In Brief
  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.4
  2. Abstract submission deadline for RSV2025 has been extended to 15 November.
13th International RSV Symposium (RSV2025)

Chrishan Jude Samantha Jayamaha M.D.

Dr Jude Jayamaha NIC Sri Lanka

Chrishan Jude Samantha Jayamaha M.D.

Medical Virology, Ministry of Health Department of Virology Medical Research Institute, Sri Lanka

Dr Jayamaha is Consultant Virologist at the Medical Research Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and completed his undergraduate degree in Medicine (MBBS) at the University of Colombo in 2001 with Second Class hounors. He obtained Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Microbiology in 2005, and specialized in Medical Virology with MD in 2009.

Dr Jayamaha received his Overseas training in Clinical Virology at Prince of Wales Hospital and South Eastern Area Laboratory Service, Sydney, Australia and special training in influenza virology at WHO Collaborating Centre for Influenza Research and Reference, Melbourne, Australia.

Dr Jayamaha is in-charge/Lead, National Influenza Centre, Medical Research Institute Sri Lanka since 2012. Also in-charge of National Virological Sentinel Surveillance in ILI and SARI since 2012 and involved in this WHO surveillance since 2010 He has in-depth knowledge of influenza surveillance and activities of SEARO countries. Dr Jayamaha is closely working with colleagues/scientists, public health professionals and other stakeholders of influenza at SEARO, WPRO WHO regional officers and at WHO Head Quarters.

He is a participant of annual Bi-regional National Influenza Centres Meeting of WPRO & SEARO since 2013 and Adviser to Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka on respiratory viral infections and control including novel respiratory pathogens (MESR CoV)

Dr Jayamaha has Pandemic Influenza outbreak management, laboratory response and coordination with national control team in crisis situation. He is a Member and major stakeholder of the National Technical Committee on Avian / Pandemic Influenza since 2010, as well as Adviser of National/ local influenza outbreak management 2013, 2015 and member of the National committee . in addition he is a Member of guideline formulation committee on influenza management by the Ministry of Health

Dr Jayamaha’s Laboratory experience includes:

  • real-time RT-PCR in diagnosis of influenza A, H1,H3 H5 H7 and B viruses.
  • Expert in all aspects of influenza cell cultures work with MDCK cell line
  • Multiplex PCR on detecting multiple respiratory pathogens at NIC