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  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.3
13th International RSV Symposium (RSV2025)

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 RSV2022 Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award

Apply Here

The inaugural Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award will recognise an individual who has already demonstrated substantial contributions to the RSV field, commensurate with their experience, and significant potential for future leadership in the field. This prestigious award will include travel to the International RSV symposium, accommodation in the symposium hotel headquarters and the honour of giving the opening talk of the symposium.

Submission deadline 11 July - Notification by 18 July

Criteria for selection:

  • Within 10 years of PhD or MD graduation.
  • Substantial body of work in the RSV field commensurate with experience,as demonstrated by a CV (4-pages max).
  • 500 word essay entitled “RSV – past, present, and future”.

Award rules:

  • Allocation of the award will be at the discretion of IRSVS International Board and the local organising committee and their decision will be final.
  • The awardee will be expected to deliver the opening talk at RSV2022 in person.
  • Expenses to cover the costs of attending the symposium will include return economy flights, ground transportation, hotel B&B accommodation and RSV2022 registration.
  • There will be no restrictions on the basis of age, gender, nationality, or geography for eligible applicants.
  • The award will be allocated on condition that the work comprising the subject matter of the application has been undertaken to the highest professional and ethical standards, and that all information submitted as part of the application is true, factual, and not misleading. The International RSV Society (IRSVS) reserves the right to withdraw the award if the IRSVS International Board and the local organising committee considers that any of the aforementioned criteria have not been satisfied.

QUESTIONS contact RSV2022 secretariat