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In Brief
  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.3
13th International RSV Symposium (RSV2025)

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 RSV2022 Travel Awards

Apply Here

Travel awards provide a unique opportunity for young researchers to join and interact with the RSV community in an international setting.They also provide an opportunity to actively participate in the meeting by submitting an abstract and sharing findings with others.
The criteria and application form are below.Submission deadline 24 June. Notifications by mid-July.
Applicants should be from a low / low-middle income area, as defined by the World Bank
Applicants should be aged 35 or below, current students or up to 5 years post graduation.
Applicants should currently work or study in the field of Respiratory Syncytial Virus
A letter from your Supervisor / Department Head on institution letterhead must be supplied in support of the application, and to confirm current status.
Applicants should provide a CV and submit a 300-word summary to explain how attendance at the RSV2022 symposium will impact their studies/education/research in the field of RSV.
Applicants are required to submit an abstract to RSV2022. Please quote your abstract reference in the application form.
One application per registrant.

Travel Award:
Return economy airfare
Up to 6 nights' hotel accommodation
Conference registration
1 year ISIRV membership

QUESTIONS contact RSV2022 secretariat