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In Brief
  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.3
13th International RSV Symposium (RSV2025)

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12th International RSV Symposium - Venue

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The ICC Belfast is a dedicated conference/event centre and the perfect partner for the 12th Symposium in the RSV series. 
It is ideally-situated in the heart of the city - close to a full range of accommodation and local sights of interest.
It is also easily accessible - a short taxi ride (10 mins) from George Best City Airport and a 5-minute walk from the NI Railway hub, Lanyon Place.
The main Plenary Hall, exhibition space, poster display and refreshment area will all be on the same level, Hall 1 on the first floor (see below). For further information, visit the ICC Belfast website
Hall 1A   Plenary and Breakout 1 

ICC Belfast

Waterfront Hall

2 Lanyon Place

Belfast BT1 3WH 

Hall 1