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In Brief
  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.3
13th International RSV Symposium (RSV2025)

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Since its inception in 1996, this International RSV Symposium remains the most long-running meeting to specifically address all issues surrounding RSV. The event has a well-earned reputation and has seen continual growth in both meeting attendance and abstract presentation. It remains the premier meeting to bring together leading scientists, students, non-profits, regulators, sponsors, and leaders in industry from all over the world to discuss past and current efforts to understand, treat, and hopefully one day prevent RSV disease.

RSV2022 replaces RSV2020, deferred due to COVID-19 restrictions. It follows on the success of RSV2018, held in Asheville, N.Carolina, USA. The Asheville conference was a testament to the growing interest in this field, with over 500 attendees and more than 250 abstracts submitted.

RSV2022 will draw upon the latest cutting-edge research from the RSV Community and will deliver a scientific meeting of equally top-level educational quality. We look forward to greeting you at the ICC Waterfront Hall and exchanging ideas on this challenging subject.

RSV2022 will be held in Belfast, a city that offers much to interest the visitor - factor in some time to relax and explore Northern Ireland.

A warm welcome awaits.

16012 Giant s Causeway Visitor Information Centre