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In Brief
  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.3

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Abstract Submission is now closed - thank you

The organizers invite abstracts for oral or poster presentations in the following areas: 

 Emerging and re-emerging respiratory pathogens

 Burden and epidemiology (including co-infections)

 Immunology (incl. disease pathogenesis and host dynamics)

 Evolution and molecular epidemiology

 Diagnostics and diagnostic techniques

 Vaccinations (including novel vaccines and vaccine efficacy/effectiveness)

 Therapeutics (including drugs and immunomodulator therapies)

 Anti-microbial resistant organisms (including antiviral resistance in influenza and other respiratory viral infections)

 Clinical management (including SARI / ALRI / critically ill patients / community-acquired infections)

 Surveillance systems and public health prevention strategies

 Modeling the spread and control of diseases


Investigator awards will be given to the best abstracts/presentations.

Travel awards will be offered to those from low income countries.

Please indicate that you wished to be considered for a travel award when submitting your abstract online.


Please contact with all enquiries