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In Brief
  1. ISIRV Journal: IRV Journal impact factor is now 4.3
13th International RSV Symposium (RSV2025)

Vidadi Yusibov
Executive Director, Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology

Country of Residence: United States

Contact Information
Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology
9 Innovation Way, Suite 200
Newark, Delaware 19711
Tel: 001-302-369-3766
Fax: 001-302-369-8955
Research Interest and Areas of Expertise
Molecular Biology, Immunology, Protein expression, and Vaccinology
Education and Certifications
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1991-1995
PhD, Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 1989
MS, Plant Biochemistry, Leningrad University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1984
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1997-2001
Selected Publications
  1. Mett V, Musiychuk K, Bi H, Farrance CE, Ugulava N, Horsey A, Rabindran S, Streatfield SJ, Boyers A, Russell M, Mann A, Lambkin R, Oxford JS Schild GC, Yusibov V. A plant-produced influenza subunit vaccine protects ferrets against virus challenge. Influenza other Respir Viruses. 2008. In press.
  2. Shoji Y, Chichester JA, Bi H, Musiychuk K, de la Rosa P, Goldschmidt L, Horsey A, Ugulava N, Palmer GA, Mett V, Yusibov V. Plant-expressed HA as a seasonal influenza vaccine candidate. Vaccine. 2008. In press.
  3. Musiychuk K, Stevenson N, Bi H, Farrance CE, Orozovic G, Grodelius M, Brodelius P, Horsey A, Ugulava N, Shamloul A-M, Mett V, Rabindran S, Streatfield SJ, Yusibov V. A launch vector for the production of vaccine antigens in plants. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2006;1:19-25.
  4. Massa S, Franconi R, Brandi R, Muller A, Mett V, Yusibov V, Venuti A. Anti-cancer activity of plant-produced HPV16 E7 vaccine. Vaccine 2007;25:3018-3021.
  5. Mett V, Lyons J, Musiychuk K, Chichester JA, Brasil T, Couch R, Sherwood R, Palmer GA, Streatfield SJ, Yusibov V. A plant-produced plague vaccine candidate confers protection to monkeys. Vaccine 2007;25: 3014-3017.
  6. Chichester JA, Musiychuck K, de la Rosa P, Horsey A, Stevenson N, Ugulava N, Rabindran S, Palmer GA, Mett V, Yusibov V.  Immunogenicity of a subunit vaccine against Bacillus anthracis. Vaccine. 2007;25:3111-3114.
  7. Mett V, Shamloul AM, Hirai H, Zhou Z, Notkin A, Yusibov V. Engineering and expression of the intracellular domain of insulinoma-associated tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2ic), a type 1 diabetes autoantigen, in plants. Transgenic Res. 2007;16(1):77-84.
  8. Yusibov V, Rabindran S, Cammandeur U, Twyman RM, Fischer R. The potential of plant virus vectors for vaccine production. Drugs R D. 2006;7(4):203-217.
  9. Hull AK, Yusibov V, Mett V. Inducible expression in plants by virus-mediated transgene activation. Transgenic Res. 2005;14:407-416.
  10. Yusibov V, Mett V, Mett, V, Davidson C, Musiychuk, K, Gilliam S, Farese A, MacVittie T, Mann D. Peptide-based candidate vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus. Vaccine 2005;23:2261-2265.
Advisory Panels
Executive Director
Honours and Awards
No information available.
American Society for Virology
CV or Biosketch
No information available.