Training & Educational Support

| Print |The isirv Antiviral Group provides training through its meetings and workshops, and provides Travel Awards to enable younger members and members from low income countries to attend isirv meetings and training courses. 

Workshops and demonstrations of practical techniques (such as the analysis of IC50 data and the use of databases for the collation and sharing of antiviral resistance data) have taken place during AVG meetings in Rio de Janeiro and Hanoi, and during the Options VIII Conference in Cape Town.

Resources from meetings and workshops are available to isirv members in the members’database on the website.

Travel Awards

Travel Awards are made available for young investigators (who, in general, have a PhD or clinical qualification and are less than 40 years of age) who require financial assistance in order to attend an AVG event.  The awards cover conference registration, hotel accommodation and the cost of travel. Applicants are required to submit: an abstract of significant research, a brief CV and Bibliography, and a Letter of Support from their Department Head.

The AVG acknowledges financial support from the NIAID and WHO which provided Travel Scholarships to assist 12 young scientists and scientists from low income countries to attend the 4th AVG Conference in Austin, Texas (2015).

NIAID scholarships

Tatiana Baranovich, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA

Aline da Rocha Matos, Fiocruz, Brazil

Daniel Goldhill, Public Health England, UK

Gyanendra Kumar, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA

Victor Leyva-Grado, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA

Bindumadhav Marathe, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA

Ding (Thomas) Oh, WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, Australia


WHO Scholarships

Patricio Acosta, CONICET, Argentina

Anayet Hasan, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

Iaryna Iosyk, I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine

Madhu Khanna, University of Delhi, India

Dibya Ranjan Pati, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, India

Generous support for the conference included provision of 13 Travel Scholarships to assist younger delegates to attend the 3rd AVG Conference in Tokyo (2014).

The AVG provided Travel Awards to assist 5 delegates from African countries to attend the Workshop on Sequence Analysis and Detection of Antiviral Resistance and the Options VIII Conference in Cape Town (2013).

The AVG provided four Lars Haaheim Scholarships to enable participants to attend the isirv Siena Summer School (2012).

The AVG acknowledges financial support from the Wellcome Trust and the WHO which contributed to Travel Awards for 22 delegates to attend the 2nd AVG Conference in Hanoi (2012).

The AVG provided Travel Awards to support the attendance of 20 participants at the 1st AVG Conference in Rio de Janeiro (2011).