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James Robertson
National Institute of Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) (retired)

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Dr James Robertson was a Principal Scientist in Virology at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), UK until his retirement in 2013.  He joined NIBSC in the early 1980’s after two postdoctoral positions, firstly at the University of Utah, USA and then at Cambridge University, UK.  His laboratory focused on the research and development of influenza vaccines.  Until his retirement, the principal focus of his work was on the use of reverse genetics technology in the generation of new and improved influenza vaccine viruses, including those for H5N1 and pandemic H1N1 vaccine.  Much of this work was performed in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other international laboratories.

Dr Robertson continues to advise the WHO on several issues including H5N1 vaccine, the technology transfer of influenza vaccine production to developing countries, on DNA vaccines, and is a member of the WHO INN expert committee. Within the EU, Dr Robertson is an expert advisor to the European Medicines Agency’s Vaccine Working Party and Biologics Working Party.  With a broad expertise in virology and molecular biology, he has contributed considerably to regulatory issues and the development of EU and WHO guidelines on vaccines, the viral safety of biological medicinal products, and biotechnology derived therapeutics.