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Workshop on Next Generation Sequencing of Viruses 20 - 21 May 2015


Date: Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st May 2015

Venue: Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Expected Participants: 100


Analysis and interpretation of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data of influenza and other viruses, in particular as regards the significance of minor variants within a virus population, is in its infancy. There is a level of urgency in addressing this subject with respect to formats for reporting of data, what data to be stored in databases, issues peculiar to segmented viruses such as influenza, interpretation of sequence variation and its usefulness, in terms of significance for potential emergence and impact of minority variants detected in a virus population.

The objective of the workshop is to bring together those with expertise in NGS technologies for the analysis of genetic variation in virus populations, and intra-host diversity, and the emergence of minor variants in their evolution and in response to immune and antiviral pressure, and those with an interest in using this knowledge to inform public health decision making.

The 2-day workshop will include discussions relating to sequencing technologies, data processing (quality control, mapping), assembly and analysis of data, database format, interpretation and the significance and use of NGS data for public and animal health. Lessons from studies of different viruses will be included. It is intended that the outcome of the expert discussion will form the basis of guidance on the generation and interpretation of NGS data on viruses.

It is being organised by the isirv-Antiviral Group (AVG) in collaboration with GISAID and partners of the PREDEMICS consortium (EU project on Preparedness, Prediction and Prevention of Emerging Zoonotic Viruses with Pandemic Potential using Multidisciplinary Approaches).


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