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 ISIRV AWARDS: Geoffrey Schild Award 2020                            Dr Kirsty Short  
KIrsty Short Dr. Kirsty Short is an ARC DECRA research fellow and head of the viral pathogenesis lab at the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland.  She completed a PhD in 2013 at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne. In 2013 she was also awarded an NHMRC CJ Martin Early Career Fellowship to go to the Netherlands to work in the Department of Virosciences at Erasmus Medical Centre. She returned to Australia at the end of 2015 to work at the University of Queensland. In 2017 she established her own independent research group studying influenza virus pathogenesis. Her group works on many different aspects of the influenza including how the influenza virus affects different animal species, the role of the immune system in severe influenza virus infections and the interactions between severe influenza and chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and obesity. Recently, their group has begun work with SARS-CoV-2 with a particular focus on the development of novel therapies and reducing disease severity in patients living with diabetes.